
Kamis, 18 Februari 2016

Procedure Text

Assalamu'alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatu..

Hi hi,, Hi guys, let's we learn about "Procedure Text" this time. But do you know what Procedure text is guys? Well, Procedure text in bahasa is text which explain "How to make something" or "How to do something". Do you get it guys?

Okay, procedure text has three generic structure.They are .....

First,, "Goal or title".
Yes, guys,, Tittle is the goal here. In this part explains or mentions what we will make or we will do.
* How to make fried bananas.
* How to send the message by phone.

Second is ,,, "Ingredient and tool".
In this part, we must mention what ingredient and tools we need.
* Ingredient:
- water
- rice flour
- ripe bananas
- sugar
- etc.
* Tools
- frayingpan
- knife
- stone
- etc.

Third is ,,, "Step".
Here explains about the step start from first step until the finally.
- Take the ripe bananas.
- Peel bananas into two parts.
- etc.

Oh yeah don't forget about the characteristic of procedure text, okay,,
They are ,,,

1. Use Present Tense.
2. Use cunjunction between step by step. Usually we use cunjunction like first, second, next, and then, then, finally and etc.
3. Use imperative sentence.
a. Cut the bananas
b. Mix it together use blander 

Now,, What do you think guys? Is this easy right?

Okay try to understand it well then when you still confuse, you can ask me, guys. Ooh if you think that my explanation is wrong or you wanna add information about "Procedure Text" you can write it in comment ... Okay okay okay,,??? ^^

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